UNISlim: UNIMARC XML Schema prepared by National Library of Russia and National Library of Florence based on MarcXchange (ISO 25577) - the general XML schema for MARC formatted records.
This schema allows XML markup of UNIMARC records as specified in the UNIMARC documentation (see http://www.ifla.org/VI/3/p1996-1/sec-uni.htm). This schema accommodates UNIMARC records and allows the embedded fields technique. Implementation of the embedded fields technique in the Schema follows UNIMARCSLIM Schema prepared by Giovanni Bergamin and Detlev Schumacher (http://www.bncf.firenze.sbn.it/unimarc/slim/documentation/unimarcslim.xsd)
collection is a top level container element for 0 or many records
record is a top level container element for all of the field elements which compose the record
UNIMARC Record Label, 24 octets
UNIMARC Fields 001-009
UNIMARC Variable Data Fields 010-999
UNIMARC field can be composed by standard subfields (strings) or by "s1" subfields with embedded tags indicators and subfields ex. g.: 4xx or 604 tags
The embedded fields technique introduced by s1 tag