Министерство культуры Российской Федерации
Российская библиотечная ассоциация
(российская версия UNIMARC)
Приложение D: Коды наименований географических регионов
- P
- Pacific and Mountain States
- USE West (U.S.)
- Pacific Area
- Присвоен код:
[p] Pacific Ocean
- Pacific Coast (North America)
- Присвоен код:
[n] North America
- Pacific Islands Dependencies of the United States
- USE United States Miscellaneous Pacific Islands
- Pacific Islands (Ter.)
- USE Pacific Islands (Trust Territory)
- Pacific Islands (Trust Territory)
- Присвоен код:
[poup] United States Miscellaneous Pacific Islands
- UF Pacific Islands (Ter.)
Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands
- Pacific Northwest
- USE Northwest, Pacific
- Pacific Ocean [p]
- Pacific Ocean, North
- USE North Pacific Ocean
- Pacific Ocean, South
- USE South Pacific Ocean
- Pacific States
- Присвоены коды:
[n-us-ca] California
[n-us-or] Oregon
[n-us-wa] Washington (State)
- Pakistan [a-pk]
- UF West Pakistan
- Palau [popl]
- [Кодировалось [poci] (Caroline Islands) до марта 1988]
- UF Belau
Republic of Palau
- Palestine
- Присвоены коды:
[a-is] Israel
[awgz] Gaza Strip
[awba] West Bank
- Panama [ncpn]
- Panama Canal Zone
- USE Canal Zone
- Panay Islands (Philippines)
- Присвоен код:
[a-ph] Philippines
- Pannonia
- Присвоены коды:
[e-au] Austria
[e-hu] Hungary
[e-yu] Yugoslavia
- Papua
- Присвоен код:
[a-pp] Papua New Guinea
- Papua (Indonesia)
- Присвоен код:
[a-io] Indonesia
- UF Irian Barat (Indonesia)
Irian Jaya (Indonesia)
West Irian
West New Guinea
- Papua New Guinea [a-pp]
- Paracel Islands [aopf]
- UF Hoang Sa
Hsi-sha Islands
Xisha Islands
- Paraguay [s-py]
- Pascua Island
- USE Easter Island
- Peiping (China)
- USE Beijing (China)
- Peking (China)
- USE Beijing (China)
- Pelew
- USE Palau
- Pemba Island (Tanzania)
- Присвоен код:
[f-tz] Tanzania
- UF Huthera (Tanzania)
- Pennsylvania [n-us-pa]
- People's Democratic Republic of Algeria
- USE Algeria
- People's Democratic Republic of Yemen
- USE Yemen (Republic)
- People's Republic of Angola
- USE Angola
- People's Republic of Benin
- USE Benin
- People's Republic of Bulgaria
- USE Bulgaria
- People's Republic of China
- USE China
- People's Republic of Croatia
- USE Croatia
- People's Republic of Mozambique
- USE Mozambique
- People's Socialist Republic of Albania
- USE Albania
- Persia
- USE Iran
- Persian Gulf [ap]
- Persian Gulf States
- Присвоен код:
[ar] Arabian Peninsula
- Peru [s-pe]
- Pescadores Islands
- Присвоен код:
[a-ch] Taiwan
- Philippine Islands
- USE Philippines
- Philippine Sea
- Присвоен код:
[pn] North Pacific Ocean
- Philippines [a-ph]
- UF Philippine Islands
- Phoenix Islands (Kiribati)
- Присвоен код:
[pokb] Kiribati
- Pirineos
- USE Pyrenees
- Pitcairn Island [popc]
- Plata, Rio de la (Argentina and Uruguay)
- USE Rio de la Plata (Argentina and Uruguay)
- Plate River (Argentina and Uruguay)
- USE Rio de la Plata (Argentina and Uruguay)
- Pleasant Island
- USE Nauru
- Pluto (Planet) [zpl]
- Po Gulf (China)
- USE Bo Hai (China)
- Po Hai (China)
- USE Bo Hai (China)
- Pohnpei (Micronesia)
- Присвоен код:
[pomi] Micronesia (Federated States)
- UF Ponape (Micronesia)
- Poland [e-pl]
- Polar regions
- Присвоены коды:
[t] Antarctic regions
[r] Arctic regions
- Polynesia [pops]
- Polynesia, French
- USE French Polynesia
- Ponape (Micronesia)
- USE Pohnpei (Micronesia)
- Portugal [e-po]
- Portuguese East Africa
- USE Mozambique
- Portuguese Guinea
- USE Guinea-Bissau
- Portuguese Timor
- USE East Timor
- Portuguese West Africa
- USE Angola
- Prairie Provinces [n-cnp]
- Pratas Islands
- Присвоен код:
[a-ch] Taiwan
- Prince Edward Island [n-cn-pi]
- Prince Edward Islands
- Присвоен код:
[f-sa] South Africa
- UF Froides, Iles
Iles Froides
- Prussia (Germany)
- Присвоен код:
[e-gx] Germany
- Puerto Rico [nwpr]
- Pyrenees [ep]
- UF Pirineos
- Q
- Qatar [a-qa]
- Quebec (Province) [n-cn-qu]
- Queensland [u-at-qn]
- Qinghai Sheng (China) [a-cc-ts]
- UF Tsinghai Province (China)
- R
- R.S.F.S.R.
- USE Russia
- Red Planet
- USE Mars
- Red Sea [mr]
- Reka Amur (China and Russia)
- USE Amur River(China and Russia)
- Republic of Cape Verde
- USE Cape Verde
- Republic of Ireland
- USE Ireland
- Republic of Palau
- USE Palau
- Republic of Vanuatu
- USE Vanuatu
- Republique de Guinee
- USE Guinea
- Reunion [i-re]
- Rhine River [er]
- Rhode Island [n-us-ri]
- Rhodesia
- Присвоены коды:
[f-za] Zambia
[f-rh] Zimbabwe
- Rhodesia, Southern
- USE Zimbabwe
- Rhodesia and Nyasaland
- Присвоены коды:
[f-mw] Malawi
[f-za] Zambia
[f-rh] Zimbabwe
- UF Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland
- Rift Valley
- USE Great Rift Valley
- Rio de la Plata (Argentina and Uruguay) [sp]
- UF La Plata River (Argentina and Uruguay)
Plata, Rio de la (Argentina and Uruguay)
Plata River (Argentina and Uruguay)
- Rio Muni
- USE Equatorial Guinea
- Rio Zambezi
- USE Zambezi River
- Rocky Mountains [nr]
- Roman Empire
- USE Rome
- Romania [e-rm]
- UF Rumania
- Rome
- Присвоены коды:
[ff] Africa, North
[e] Europe
[aw] Middle East
- UF Roman Empire
- Присвоены коды:
[f-bd] Burundi
[f-rw] Rwanda
- UF Rwanda-Urundi
- Rumania
- USE Romania
- Russia
- Присвоен код:
[e-ur] Soviet Union
- UF Russian Empire
- Russia (Federation) [e-ru]
- [Кодировалось [e-ur-ru] (Russia (Federation)) до июня 1998]
- UF R.S.F.S.R.
Russian Republic
Russian S.F.S.R.
Russian Soviet Federated Socialist Republic
- Russia, Northern
- [Кодировалось [e-ur-ru] (Russia (Federation)) до июня 1998]
- Присвоен код:
[e-ru] Russia (Federation)
- UF Northern Russia
Northern Soviet Union
Soviet Union, Northern
- Russian Empire
- USE Russia
- Russian Far East (Russia) [e-urf]
- UF Far East (Russia)
Far Eastern Region (Russia)
Soviet Far East (Russia)
- Russian Republic
- USE Russia (Federation)
- Russian S.F.S.R.
- USE Russia (Federation)
- Russian Soviet Federated Socialist Republic
- USE Russia (Federation)
- Rwanda [f-rw]
- UF German East Africa
- Rwanda-Urundi
- USE Ruanda-Urundi
- Ryukyu Islands
- Присвоен код:
[a-ja] Japan
- Ryukyu Islands, Southern
- [Кодировалось [pory] (Ryukyu Islands, Southern) до 1984]
- Присвоен код:
[a-ja] Japan