Министерство культуры Российской Федерации
Российская библиотечная ассоциация
(российская версия UNIMARC)
Приложение D: Коды наименований географических регионов
- D
- Dahomey
- USE Benin
- Danube River [eo]
- Deep Space [zd]
- Delaware [n-us-de]
- Democratic German Republic
- USE Germany (East)
- Denmark [e-dk]
- D’Entrecasteaux Islands (Papua New Guinea)
- Присвоен код:
[a-pp] Papua New Guinea
- Desolation Islands
- USE Kerguelen Islands
- Developed countries [dd]
- UF Advanced countries
Economically advanced countries
First World
Industrialized countries
- Developing countries [d]
- UF Emerging nations
Third World
Underdeveloped areas
- Diego Garcia (British Indian Ocean Territory)
- Присвоен код:
[i-bi] British Indian Ocean Territory
- District of Columbia
- USE Washington (D.C.)
- Djibouti [f-ft]
- UF Afars and Issas, French Territory of the
French Somaliland
French Territory of the Afars and Issas
Somaliland, French
- Dodecanese (Greece)
- USE Dodekanesos (Greece)
- Dodekcanesos (Greece)
- Присвоен код:
[e-gr] Greece
- UF Dodecanese (Greece)
- Dominica [nwdq]
- Dominican Republic [nwdr]
- Dubai
- USE Dubayy (United Arab Emirates : Emirate)
- Dubayy (United Arab Emirates : Emirate)
- Присвоен код:
[a-ts] United Arab Emirates
- UF Dubai
- Dutch East Indies
- USE Indonesia
- Dutch Guiana
- USE Surinam
- Dutch West Indies
- USE Netherlands Antilles
- Dza-chu
- USE Mekong River
- E
- Earth [x]
- East
- USE Orient
- East (Far East)
- USE East Asia
- East (Near East)
- USE Middle East
- East (U.S.) [n-usr]
- East Africa
- USE Africa, East
- East Africa, Portuguese
- USE Mozambique
- East Africa Protectorate
- USE Kenya
- East African Horn
- USE Africa, Northeast
- East Asia [ae]
- UF Asia, East
East (Far East)
Far East
- East Berlin
- USE Berlin (Germany)
- East China Sea [an]
- East Germany
- USE Germany (East)
- East Indies
- Присвоены коды:
[az] South Asia, South
[as] Southeast Asia
- UF Indies, East
- East Pakistan (Pakistan)
- USE Bangladesh
- East Siberian Region (Russia)
- USE Siberia, Eastern (Russia)
- East Timor (Indonesia) [a-em]
- [Кодировалось [a-pt] (Portuguese Timor) до 21 апр. 1980; кодировалось [a-io] (Indonesia) с 1980 до сент. 2002]
- UF Portuguese Timor
Timor, East
Timor, Portuguese
Timor Timur
- Easter Island [poea]
- UF Isla de Pascua
Pascua Island
- Eastern Africa
- USE Africa, Eastern
- Eastern Australia [u-ate]
- [Кодировалось [u-at] (Australia) до сент. 2005]
- UF Australia, Eastern
- Eastern Canada
- USE Canada, Eastern
- Eastern Europe
- USE Europe, Eastern
- Eastern Hemisphere [xa]
- Eastern Mediterranean
- USE Middle East
- Eastern Samar (Philippines)
- Присвоен код:
[a-ph] Philippines
- Eastern Siberia (Russia)
- USE Siberia, Eastern (Russia)
- Economically advanced countries
- USE Developed countries
- Ecuador [s-ec]
- Egypt [f-ua]
- Eire
- USE Ireland
- El Salvador [nces]
- UF Salvador
- Ellice Islands
- USE Tuvalu
- Emerging nations
- USE Developing countries
- Enderbury and Canton Islands
- USE Canton and Enderbury Islands
- England [e-uk-en]
- English Channel
- Присвоен код:
[ln] North Atlantic Ocean
- Equator
- Присвоен код:
[w] Tropics
- Equatorial Guinea [f-eg]
- UF Guinea, Equatorial
Guinea, Spanish
Rio Muni
Spanish Guinea
- Eritrea [f-ea]
- [Кодировалось [f-et] Ethiopia до нояб. 1993]
- Estonia [e-ur-er]
- Ethiopia [f-et]
- UF Abyssinia
- Eurasia [me]
- UF Asia and Europe (рассматриваемые как целое)
Europe and Asia (рассматриваемые как целое)
- Europe [e]
- Europe, Central [ec]
- UF Central Europe
Europe, East Central
- Europe, East Central
- [Кодировалось [et] (Europe, East Central) до марта 1988]
- USE Central Europe
Europe, Eastern
- Europe, Eastern [ee]
- UF Eastern Europe
Europe, East Central
- Europe, Northern [en]
- UF Northern Europe
- Europe, Southeastern
- USE Balkan Peninsula
- Europe, Southern [es]
- UF Southern Europe
- Europe, Western [ew]
- UF Western Europe
- Europe and Asia (рассматриваемые как целое)
- USE Eurasia
- European Economic Community countries
- Присвоен код:
[e] Europe
- European Union countries
- Присвоен код:
[e] Europe
- F
- Faeroe Islands
- USE Faroe Islands
- Falkland Islands [lsfk]
- UF Malvinas Islands
- Far East
- USE East Asia
- Far East (Russia)
- USE Russian Far East (Russia)
- Far Eastern Region (Russia)
- USE Russian Far East (Russia)
- Far West (U.S.)
- USE West (U.S.)
- Faroe Islands [lnfa]
- UF Faeroe Islands
- Federal Capital Territory
- USE Australian Capital Territory
- Federal German Republic
- USE Germany (West)
- Federated States of Micronesia
- USE Micronesia (Federated States)
- Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland
- USE Rhodesia and Nyasaland
- Federation of South Arabia
- Присвоен код:
[a-ye] Yemen (Republic)
- UF South Arabia, Federation of
- Fernando Po (Equatorial Guinea)
- Присвоен код:
[f-eg] Equatorial Guinea
- UF Bioco (Equatorial Guinea)
Bioko (Equatorial Guinea)
Macias Nguema (Equatorial Guinea)
- Fiji [pofj]
- Finland [e-fi]
- First World
- USE Developed countries
- Florida [n-us-fl]
- Former Soviet republics
- USE Soviet Union
- Formosa
- USE Taiwan
- France [e-fr]
- French Cameroons
- USE Cameroon
- French Community [h]
- UF Communaute francaise
French Union
- French Congo
- USE Congo (Brazzaville)
- French Equatorial Africa
- USE Africa, French-speaking Equatorial
- French Guiana [s-fg]
- French Guinea
- USE Guinea
- French India
- Присвоен код:
[a-ii] India
- UF India, French
- French Indochina
- USE Indochina
- French Morocco
- USE Morocco
- French Polynesia [pofp]
- UF Oceania, French
Polynesia, French
- French Somaliland
- USE Djibouti
- French Southern and Antarctic Lands
- USE Terres australes et antarctiques francaises
- French Southern Indian Ocean Islands
- USE Terres australes et antarctiques francaises
- French-speaking Equatorial Africa
- USE Africa, French-speaking Equatorial
- French-speaking West Africa
- USE Africa, French-speaking West
- French Sudan
- USE Mali
- French Territory of the Afars and Issas
- USE Djibouti
- French Togoland
- USE Togo
- French Union
- USE French Community
- French West Africa
- USE Africa, French-speaking West
- French West Indies
- USE West Indies, French
- Friendly Islands
- USE Tonga
- Froides, Iles
- USE Prince Edward Islands
- Frostbelt (U.S.)
- USE Snowbelt States
- Fukien Province (China) [a-cc-fu]
- Fundy, Bay of
- Присвоен код:
[ln] North Atlantic Ocean
- UF Bay of Fundy
- Futuna Island (Wallis and Futuna Islands)
- Присвоен код:
[powf] Wallis and Futuna Islands